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Property Description

Flat 1, 17A Seymour Place, Westminster, London, W1H 5BF

Last updated Sep 2024

Property Description of Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

According to the public record, Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London is a period apartment with 290 ft2 of internal area.

Apartments of this size in this area normally have 1 bedroom with a garden.

Seymour Place, London, W1 is located in the borough of City of Westminster within the W1 postal district.

1 bed
290 ft2
Accuracy warning
There is insufficient data in the local area.
Thinking of selling or letting?
Our data sources

Our data sources

for Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London has no records in the Land Registry database and a single entry in the EPC database dated February 2018.

We combine this information with public data of neighbouring properties to estimate the property attributes and values.

Public data including the Land Registry and EPC Register is processed and republished under the Government Open Data Licence.

All values are estimates based on available data. All data and other content are provided subject to our Terms & Conditions.

Accuracy warning
There is insufficient data in the local area.
Today’s value estimates
Today’s value estimates

for Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

There is limited information for Flat 1 17A Seymour Place London so we cannot provide any value estimates.

Please update the property information so that when future pricing information becomes available we can generate price estimates.

However, over the last 12 months properties in the area have seen their sale values decrease by 0.4% and their rental values increase by 5.8%.

All figures are subject to T&Cs
Accuracy warning
There is insufficient data in the local area.
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Mortgage costs

Mortgage costs

for Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

This figure is only an estimate but we've partnered with Mortgage Advice Bureau who can provide a figure tailored for you! Get started using their mortgage finder below.

T&Cs apply. Providers pay us commission. ( + )
Properties sold nearby

Properties sold nearby

to Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

According to the Land Registry and our network of Estate Agents, there have been 3 property sales within a 21m radius of Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London over the last 2 years.

The most recent example is Flat 5, 48, Upper Berkeley Street, London, W1H 5QP, a Leasehold flat which sold for £935,000 in Mar 2022.

Read more about house prices in W1.

Source: HM Land Registry (August 2024)
Local comparison

Local comparison

for Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

Seymour Place, London, W1 has a total of 393 addresses. According to our analysis of all the public data, Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London is the 380th largest and the 329th most expensive property on the street.

When compared to the postcode district it is £1.578m less expensive than the average property in W1.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

of Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London has an Energy Performance Rating (EPC) of C. This is based on the most recent assessment, dated 05 Feb 2018.

The property is connected to mains gas and has fully double glazed windows. It is heated using a boiler and radiators.

Latest EPC
Source: MHCLG (August 2024)
Schools nearby

Schools nearby

to Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

The nearest primary school to Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London is Hampden Gurney CofE Primary School which is 300 m away and is rated Good by Ofsted.
300 m
Hampden Gurney CofE Primary School
600 m
St Mary's Bryanston Square CofE School
700 m
St Vincent's Catholic Primary School
The nearest secondary school is The St Marylebone CofE School which is 1.0 km away and is rated Outstanding by Ofsted.
1.0 km
The St Marylebone CofE School
1.2 km
Marylebone Boys' School
2.2 km
Westminster Academy
Public transport nearby

Public transport nearby

to Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

The closest station to Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London is Marble Arch station which is 300 m away.

300 m
Marble Arch
800 m
800 m
Edgware Road
Source: TfL
Risk of flooding

Risk of flooding

for Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

According to data from the Environment Agency, the flood risk in this area is considered to be very low.

Very low
Source: Environment Agency (2024)
Home ownership nearby

Home ownership nearby

around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

The recent census recorded whether a resident owned or rented their home.

In the area around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London, 81.0% of property is privately rented and 8.6% is privately owned outright.

The graph below shows how this compares to Greater London and the rest of England & Wales.

This area
Greater London
England & Wales
Owned (Outright)
Owned (Mortgage)
Shared ownership
Rented (Social)
Rented (Private)
Source: ONS Census (2021)
Education levels in the area

Education levels in the area

around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

The recent census recorded the highest level of education achieved by residents in the local area.

In the area around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London, 15.8% of residents are recorded as possessing school level qualifications and 76.0% as possessing degree level qualifications.

The graph below shows how this compares to Greater London and the rest of England & Wales

This area
Greater London
England & Wales
School Students
Students 16+
Degree educated
Source: ONS Census (2021)
Average age of residents

Average age of residents

around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

Average age

The most recent census in 2021 recorded the age of all UK residents.

In the area around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London, the average age was 37.8 and the most common age was 27.

This area:
Greater London:
England & Wales:

Age distribution

The graph below shows how this compares to Greater London and the rest of England & Wales

Source: ONS Census (2021)
Number of second homes

Number of second homes

around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

The recent census recorded whether a property was a primary or secondary home for the resident.

In the area around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London, 1.6% of property was a second home.

Comparison figures for Greater London and the rest of England & Wales are listed below.

This area
Greater London
England & Wales
Source: ONS Census (2021)
Average cars per home

Average cars per home

around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London

The recent census recorded the number of cars registered in each household.

In the area around Flat 1, 17A , Seymour Place, London, there are an average of 0.2 cars per household.

See below for how this compares to Greater London and the rest of England & Wales.

This area
Greater London
England & Wales
Source: ONS Census (2021)
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