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Property Description

8, Bantry Close Bantry Close, Harborough, East Midlands, LE16 9HJ

Last updated Sep 2024

Property Description of 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

According to the public record, 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough is a modern freehold house with 2,615 ft2 of internal area and sits on a 463 m2 plot.

Houses of this size in this area normally have 5 bedrooms with a garden.

Bantry Close, Market Harborough, LE16 is located in the borough of Harborough within the LE16 postal district.

5 beds
2,615 ft2
Thinking of selling or letting?
Our data sources

Our data sources

for 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough has 2 entries in the Land Registry database, most recently in October 2016 and a single entry in the EPC database dated March 2014.

We combine this information with that of neighbouring properties to estimate the property attributes and values.

Public data including the Land Registry and EPC Register is processed and republished under the Government Open Data Licence.

All values are estimates based on available data. All data and other content are provided subject to our Terms & Conditions.

Today’s value estimates
Today’s value estimates

for 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

Based on public information available, and assuming the property is in reasonable condition, we estimate the current sale value for 8 Bantry Close Market Harborough as £630,791 and the rental value as £2,349 per month giving an expected gross yield of 4.5%.

Over the last 12 months the sale value of 8 Bantry Close Market Harborough has increased by £70 (0.0%) and its rental value has increased by £76 per month (3.2%).

£2,349 pcm
All figures are subject to T&Cs
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View on our Heatmap
Price range & condition

Price range & condition

for 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

Decorative condition can have a big effect on a property's value and this effect varies depending on the type, size and location of the property.

If 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough is in very good condition we estimate a sale value of £662,331 and rental value of £2,467 per month.

However, if the property needs a lot of cosmetic work we estimate a sale value of £586,636 and a rental value of £2,185 per month.

£2,185 pcm
£2,467 pcm
All figures are subject to T&Cs
Mortgage costs

Mortgage costs

for 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

If you were able to purchase this property for the estimated value of £630,791, and assuming a 25 year repayment term, a 15% deposit and a fixed rate of 4.89%, your monthly repayments would be £3,100 per month.

This figure is only an estimate but we've partnered with Mortgage Advice Bureau who can provide a figure tailored for you! Get started using their mortgage finder below.

T&Cs apply. Providers pay us commission. ( + )
Plot size

Plot size

for 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

According to data from HM Land Registry, 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough sits on a plot of 463m2.

We have plot size data on 14 out of 14 other houses in the postcode and 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough sits on the 2nd largest plot.

Source: Ordnance Survey (2024)
Sold prices

Sold prices

for 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

According to HM Land Registry, 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough was last sold on 25 Oct 2016 for £585,000 and was recorded as a freehold house.

The property has had 2 sales since 1995.

Since Oct 2016, the market for similar properties has risen 23.6%

Source: HM Land Registry (August 2024)
Properties sold nearby

Similar properties sold nearby*

to 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

According to the Land Registry and our network of Estate Agents, there have been 3 sales of properties similar to 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough within a radius of 840 metres over the last 2 years.

The most recent example is 22, Steeplechase Way, Market Harborough, LE16 9FY, a Freehold house which sold for £649,950 in Aug 2023.

Read more about house prices in LE16.


*Nearby is defined as the radius comprising the nearest 2,000 addresses.

Source: HM Land Registry (August 2024)
Local comparison

Local comparison

for 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

Bantry Close, Market Harborough, LE16 has a total of 14 addresses. According to our analysis of all the public data, 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough is the largest and the most expensive property on the street.

When compared to the postcode district it is £252k more expensive than the average property in LE16.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

of 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough has an Energy Performance Rating (EPC) of B. This is based on the most recent assessment, dated 12 Mar 2014.

The property is not connected to mains gas and has high performance glazing. It is heated using a boiler and radiators.

Latest EPC
Source: MHCLG (August 2024)
Schools nearby

Schools nearby

to 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

The nearest primary school to 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough is Farndon Fields Primary School which is 1.0 kilometres away and is rated Good by Ofsted.
1.0 km
Farndon Fields Primary School
1.3 km
St Joseph's Catholic Voluntary Academy
1.5 km
Market Harborough Church of England Academy
The nearest secondary school is Welland Park Academy which is 1.2 kilometres away and is rated Good by Ofsted.
1.2 km
Welland Park Academy
2.2 km
The Robert Smyth Academy
8.2 km
Kibworth Mead Academy
Public transport nearby

Public transport nearby

to 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough

The closest station to 8, Bantry Close, Market Harborough is Market Harborough station which is 2.4 kilometres away.

2.4 km
Market Harborough
16.4 km
17.1 km
Source: National Rail
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