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Property Description

68, Strande Park Strande Park, Windsor and Maidenhead, South East, SL6 9DX

Last updated Sep 2024

Property Description of 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead

There is no data on 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead but you can login to provide an accurate description to improve estimates in the area.

Strande Park, Cookham, Maidenhead, SL6 is located within the SL6 postal district.

Accuracy warning
There is insufficient data on both this address and the local area.
Thinking of selling or letting?
Our data sources

Our data sources

for 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead

68, Strande Park, Maidenhead has no records in either the Land Registry or EPC databases.

We can use information from neighbouring properties to estimate the attributes and values.

Public data including the Land Registry and EPC Register is processed and republished under the Government Open Data Licence.

All values are estimates based on available data. All data and other content are provided subject to our Terms & Conditions.

Accuracy warning
There is insufficient data on both this address and the local area.
Today’s value estimates
Today’s value estimates

for 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead

There is limited information for 68 Strande Park Maidenhead so we cannot provide any value estimates.

Please update the property information so that when future pricing information becomes available we can generate price estimates.

However, over the last 12 months properties in the area have seen their sale values increase by 0.8% and their rental values increase by 7.4%.

All figures are subject to T&Cs
Accuracy warning
There is insufficient data on both this address and the local area.
View on our Heatmap
View on our Heatmap
Mortgage costs

Mortgage costs

for 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead

This figure is only an estimate but we've partnered with Mortgage Advice Bureau who can provide a figure tailored for you! Get started using their mortgage finder below.

T&Cs apply. Providers pay us commission. ( + )
Properties sold nearby

Properties sold nearby

to 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead

According to the Land Registry and our network of Estate Agents, there have been 3 property sales within a 1.2 kilometres radius of 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead over the last 2 years.

The most recent example is 1, Bass Mead, Maidenhead, SL6 9DJ, a Freehold house which sold for £449,940 in Feb 2024.

Read more about house prices in SL6.

Source: HM Land Registry (August 2024)
Local comparison

Local comparison

for 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead

Strande Park, Cookham, Maidenhead, SL6 has a total of 81 addresses. According to our analysis of all the public data, 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead is the 35th largest and the 75th most expensive property on the street.

When compared to the postcode district it is £111k less expensive than the average property in SL6.

Schools nearby

Schools nearby

to 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead

The nearest primary school to 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead is Cookham Rise Primary School which is 700 metres away and is rated Good by Ofsted.
700 m
Cookham Rise Primary School
1.5 km
Holy Trinity CofE Primary School, Cookham
1.9 km
Cookham Dean CofE Primary School
The nearest secondary school is Furze Platt Senior School which is 1.9 kilometres away and is rated Good by Ofsted.
1.9 km
Furze Platt Senior School
3.7 km
E-Act Bourne End Academy
3.8 km
Desborough College
Public transport nearby

Public transport nearby

to 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead

The closest station to 68, Strande Park, Maidenhead is Cookham station which is 900 metres away.

900 m
1.9 km
Furze Platt
3.2 km
Bourne End
Source: National Rail
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