The Next Generation Instant Valuation Application for Estate Agents
July 11 2023
Discover the next generation of instant valuation applications by Bricks&Logic, offering superior lead generation, enhanced customer engagement, accurate valuations, and seamless integration for estate agents.

In the ever-evolving world of property, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for estate agents. 

As technology continues to reshape the industry, agents are constantly on the lookout for innovative applications that can streamline operations and attract potential clients. 

One such application that has gained significant traction in recent years is the instant valuation feature on agent websites. While this application initially delivered promising results by generating high-quality leads, its effectiveness has started to decline due to poor quality valuations and a lacklustre user experience. Agents and clients alike have grown wary of its shortcomings, leading to a loss of trust and missed opportunities.

However, imagine a new and improved version that not only addresses these drawbacks but also revolutionises the way estate agents interact with their clients. 

In this blog, we unveil the next generation of instant valuation applications - a superior solution that surpasses its predecessors in every aspect. 

With unparalleled lead generation capabilities, enhanced customer engagement features, insightful data analysis, and a powerful platform to establish expertise, this advanced application is poised to become an indispensable asset for forward-thinking estate agents. 

Join us as we delve into the cutting-edge features that set this application apart and discover how it can reshape the landscape of real estate lead generation.

Capturing the information - create a story for better completion rates

There is a plethora of instant valuation applications (IVT) available for estate agents to integrate into their websites. 

However, a significant drawback that we have observed in almost all of these applications is their approach to capturing user data, which often creates a barrier and raises concerns among users. 

That's where the Bricks&Logic IVT sets itself apart. Our innovative solution takes a different approach, providing a user-friendly widget that guides individuals through a personalised housing market story, tailored specifically to their property.

Rather than bombarding users with an initial data capture form, our IVT takes them on a journey, step by step, ensuring they provide the most accurate and up-to-date information. 

By presenting the valuation process as an engaging experience, we empower users to participate actively, while simultaneously offering them the best instant valuation. 

This approach not only delivers a superior user experience but also equips estate agents with the necessary data to engage in meaningful follow-up conversations with potential clients.

With the Bricks&Logic IVT, we believe in fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between agents and users, where transparency and user satisfaction take precedence.

Fig's 01, 02 and 03 give examples of our user interface inputs of our user interface in our own Bricks&Logic branding.

Fig. 01: An inviting starting point with which to begin the process
Fig. 01: An inviting starting point with which to begin the process
Fig. 02: Interesting and relevant stats specific to the property are provided throughout the journey to keep the user engaged
Fig. 02: Interesting and relevant stats specific to the property are provided throughout the journey to keep the user engaged
Fig. 03: The Bricks&Logic IVT integrates with our platform to provide additional data to support the valuation process
Fig. 03: The Bricks&Logic IVT integrates with our platform to provide additional data to support the valuation process
Educating the customer to set expectations and represent your brand

Once users have submitted their information and their email address or phone number has been captured, the Bricks&Logic instant valuation application goes beyond the norm. 

Instead of treating the subsequent report as an afterthought, we recognise its potential to serve as an educational document about both the market and the user's property, while also showcasing your agency. 

Our aim is to provide a customisable report that not only offers valuable insights but also leaves a lasting impression on the user.

The generated report serves as more than just a simple valuation summary. It is thoughtfully designed to educate users about the local and national market dynamics, offering a comprehensive understanding of the broader context in which their property exists. 

By integrating Bricks&Logic heat maps seamlessly into the report, users are presented with a visually immersive experience that enhances their comprehension of market trends and property values.

Moreover, we provide the opportunity to customise the text and promotional video content within the report. This allows your agency to infuse its unique brand voice and personality, ensuring a cohesive representation of your services and expertise. 

By delivering an educational document that combines valuable market insights, visually engaging content, and tailored branding, you can leave a lasting impression on users while setting realistic expectations for their property's value.

Fig's 04, 05 and 06 Showing the results from our Automated Value Estimate product output in our own Bricks&Logic branding.

Fig. 04: Introduce yourself to your client
Fig. 04: Introduce yourself to your client
Fig. 05: Integrate engaging personalised video content to really showcase your agency
Fig. 05: Integrate engaging personalised video content to really showcase your agency
Fig. 06: Choose from a range of heat maps to tell the story of your local market
Fig. 06: Choose from a range of heat maps to tell the story of your local market
Improving accuracy and establishing trust with Bricks&Logic's Automated Valuation Model

At Bricks&Logic, we understand the pivotal role accuracy plays in the valuation process. That's why we have dedicated years to develop a market-leading Automated Valuation Model (AVM) that places transparency and consistency at its core. 

Our commitment to precision has led us to pioneer a new approach to house price indices (HPIs) and meticulously collect and cleanse data on every property in England and Wales. This meticulous effort ensures that we provide our clients with the best possible valuation output.

The impact of accuracy goes beyond the valuation itself. 

With a more precise instant valuation at the beginning of the user journey, trust in your agency is firmly established. 

We have received numerous testimonials from customers who switched to our instant valuation application, expressing their frustration with previous providers whose valuations were significantly off the mark. Such inaccuracies not only led to customer annoyance but also put agents in a challenging position when it came to engaging potential clients. 

Starting a pitch on the back foot due to a flawed valuation can hinder the entire process.



Simple to set up with white labelled hosting

Integrating the Bricks&Logic instant valuation application onto your website is a seamless process designed with convenience in mind. We offer two straightforward solutions tailored to meet your specific needs;

  - White Label Hosted Version: Our quick and easy white label hosted version allows you to effortlessly set up the Bricks&Logic IVT on your website. With this option, you can leverage our expertise and infrastructure to provide a seamless user experience without the need for   extensive technical knowledge. We handle the hosting and maintenance, ensuring a hassle-free setup for your agency.

  - API for Customised User Journey: For those seeking a more tailored approach, we offer an API that enables you to create a fully customised user journey. This flexible option empowers you to design and integrate the instant valuation application in a way that aligns perfectly with your agency's branding, user interface, and specific requirements. Our team will collaborate closely with you to ensure the API integration meets your expectations and delivers optimal results.

At Bricks&Logic, we understand that each agency has unique preferences and operational requirements. That's why we are committed to working closely with you to identify the most suitable solution for your specific needs. 

Whether you opt for our white label hosted version or prefer a customised user journey through our API, we are here to support you every step of the way.


The next generation of instant valuation applications offered by Bricks&Logic represents a significant advancement for estate agents. 

With its user-friendly and engaging approach, this superior solution addresses the drawbacks of traditional valuation applications. By guiding users through an immersive housing market story, capturing accurate data, and providing an educational report, Bricks&Logic establishes trust and enhances brand representation. 

Furthermore, the precision of their Automated Valuation Model ensures accurate valuations, setting agents on a solid footing when engaging potential clients. With simplified setup options through white label hosting or API integration, Bricks&Logic offers a tailored solution for every agency. 

Embrace this innovative application and revolutionise your approach to real estate lead generation, leaving a lasting impact on clients and driving success in the competitive market.

Try it out for yourself here

If you would like a demo of the instant valuation application or want to find out how Bricks&Logic can you help your business more generally then please request a call back via our Agent page



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